Monday, December 12, 2011

Make Something Every Day: Day Eleven

Today we made our annual pilgrimage to visit Santa Claus!  We go to the same place every year and Esme looks forward to it very much.  This year she asked Santa for a Stacie Doll.  He asked if she had more on her list and she said no, so he promised to bring her some surprises, and Mrs. Claus said she and the elves would help pick them out.  

While we were there, Esme got to dip some candles.  She chose to make one red and orange the other purple and blue.  I told her we can use them on our table for Christmas dinner. 

I love hosting Christmas dinner and last year I was super sick so I didn't get to cook at all.  My mother in law brought us dinner, and then my whole family still came and visited us and we had dessert together.  My family still visiting even though I couldn't make them dinner was one of my best presents ever.  

Make Something Every Day: Day Ten

Esme and I have been hankering to try making our own hair accessories.  She made the blue headband, we made the flowered clip together, and I made the purple headband.  This was our first attempt and I expect our future work will get much more complicated!  It was a fun start though, and we're thinking about making some cute flower clips for our Girl Scouts to wear to the fundraiser.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Make Something Every Day: Day Nine

Yesterday was our long-awaited Native American program for Brownies.  I think Girl Scouts have always been interested in the way girls from long ago lived, and especially Native Americans.  I remember learning to cook Native American foods with my troop when I was in fourth or fifth grade myself.

The program was almost entirely hands on, which of course the girls loved, and one of the things they got to do was make their own modern version of a game Native American children might have played.   They also got to touch different furs, tools, musical instruments, and other artifacts Native Americans would have used, as well as visit Native American Hall at the museum.  I love an engaging program and was so happy to have the opportunity to teach it!

Friday, December 09, 2011

Make Something Every Day: Days Seven and Eight

Wednesday was a crazy busy day.  With the fundraiser in the works, I felt like all I had time to make while I was home was phone calls.  I am so thankful that the person is charge of communications at our Girl Scout council is helping me with press releases.  So, so thankful!  

Yesterday Esme spent the day with my mom, and in the evening I worked at one of my favorite events, Culture and Cocktails.  I helped patrons make houses out of graham crackers, frosting, and tons and tons of of candy.  Everyone had a great time and you can see me in the background of some the photos on Masslive.  The Gingerbread Fantasy exhibit was open, where you can see one of the biggest projects Esme and I have worked on this year, "Camp Ginger."

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Make Something Every Day: Day Six

Esme took a day off from projects today.  This year she started taking recorder on Tuesdays.  Learning to read music was one of my high priorities for her - it's a valuable skill and even my basic knowledge has helped me very much.  I have also heard it can help develop the part of your brain that tackles Math, and that isn't too shabby since she considers herself a Future Astronaut.

Sagelicious stepped in to help me while Esme was gone.  Her mom is Esme's music teacher so while they're together, Sagelicious and I work on things like her scrapbook, her Halloween costume, etc.  I wanted to help her make a Christmas present for her mom, so we discussed and settled on this:

Her family has a lovely little backyard and her mom enjoys gardening, so I got the kit to make this stepping stone.  Really the most important part is the cheap plastic mould, because any cement and fragments of glass or china will work.  We mixed and poured together, and then Sagelicious decided on the placement of her hand and mosaic pieces.  I added her name and the year later when the cement was a bit firmer.  When Esme saw it I had to promise her we'd get more cement so she can make a couple too.

Monday, December 05, 2011

Make Something Every Day: Day Five

Between work, Math tests, and swim practice, Esme and I didn't have much time at home together today, so we decided on a nice easy project tonight.  We played around with our crafty supplies to make tags that could either be used for scrapbooking or Christmas projects.  Esme decided to make hers ornaments.

I've used things I've been into lately for scrapbooking: doilies, aluminum duct tape, felt, other fabrics, and twine.  Esme used punches, which are one of her favorite scrapbook tools.  She also used colored pencils and ink pads quite a bit.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Make Something Every Day: Day Four

Today's project is rock candy.  We did a rocks and minerals lessons at Esme's 4H Science Club last week, so we are following up by talking about crystals.  We thought rock candy would be the perfect demonstration.  Esme and I made the syrup, but pouring it into the jar got pretty messy.  Now we have to let it sit for a week and watch what happens!

By the way, I finally got to try the banana bread today and it was moist and delicious.  I will definitely make that again.  I used this recipe.

Also, 2012 Fashion 4 U tickets went on sale today.  If you would like to purchase via Paypal, please email me.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Make Something Every Day: Day Three

Today I started a cowl-scarf for my Mother-in-Law.  She mentioned wanting one quite some time ago, so I started crocheting it while I sat on the bleachers at Esme's swim meet today.  I'd say I'm about half done so far.  I was super proud of Esme today!  Her breathing techniques have improved a lot and she brought her 25 yard freestyle down to by three seconds and her 50 yard freestyle down by almost four seconds.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Make Something Every Day - Day Two

Esme and I kept busy this morning and let Ethan sleep in.  We went shopping for a former member of our Girl Scout troop.  Her family had a house fire and she and her sister lost almost all of their belongings to smoke damage.  We decided to get them each a dress and a toy for Christmas, and the girls are making all kinds of little handicrafts to include in their gift bags.

I am fighting my second cold of the season so I wasn't feeling super ambitious, but we really wanted to use up the older bananas, so I washed my hands thoroughly and kept going.  Esme and I have never made banana bread so I'm not sure exactly how it will turn out.  We just made a mini loaf as a test and it's baking now.  I'm going to take some cough syrup and cuddle up with my husband and hope to feel ambitious tomorrow.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Make Something Every Day - Day One

Esme and I have decided to make or bake something every day from now til Christmas.  We have so many projects in the works, we want to get some done.  We want to make some Christmas presents and decorations too!  We decided to make my mother-in-law a book for Christmas.  Here is the title:

My mother-in-law is hard to find the perfect present for, so we wanted to give her something really special.  She got two new kittens this year that Esme adores so we thought this would work.  We've been talking about it for a few days and filling out our ideas, so tonight we sat down together and wrote the text.  I printed it with spacing so that over the next few days Esme will be able to complete the illustrations.  It's a lot of drawing for her - there are ten pages.  

We also started reading this advent book my mom sent to Esme.  We will have a Bible quote and little reading every day.  Today's is Luke 2:8 - "In that region there were shepherds."