Friday, September 02, 2005

I had the nicest day with Esme today. We were supposed to go to Six Flags but that didn't quite work out the way I'd planned so we went to Northampton instead. We walked through Thornes and Esme saw all kinds of things that she was interested in - pillows shaped like cats, cups for babies, etc. We walked down the street to Cha Cha Cha and had our usual quesadillas. I took her into Sweeties for the first time and got to take photos of her looking at all the candy! We bought lollipops and then went for a walk and ate them. It was the biggest lollipop she'd ever had so it took her a looong time to finish. It was so nice just to be outside with her and watch her observe and comment on everything. She pointed out the front of a building that was covered with rocks, a tiny dog (nothing is small to her - there is only big or tiny), people walking, etc. I love her interpretations of the things around her. After Northampton we had to go to the Holyoke Mall on a couple errands and she was fascinated by a couple of babies she saw. She loves riding in a shopping cart and got quite excited about it at Target. I love that my daughter is only 2 and already loves shopping!

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