What do these animals have in common? They are all animals in the food chains Esme and I have been working on! This lesson is doubling for both Brownies and homeschooling, as Esme is working on her Eco-Explorer Try-It, while learning about animals.
I let her choose the animals we'd start with for each chain, and she drew inspiration from the Planet Earth miniseries, which we've been watching as a family. I have to say, I was really impressed with her Wildebeast drawing! She did a great job copying elements from a photo.
I start my new job soon, and have to be available for subbing assignments as well, but right now I am REALLY loving being home with her and able to work on these lessons! We are having so much fun together! During this "free" time I am also getting lots of other work in order for her, so that the on the days I'm not home, she'll be ready to work independently, and Ethan will be prepared to give her lessons.
Girl Scouts is in transition this year, and the new Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting will be introduced, so we'll have lots of new awards. I'm letting Esme do as many Try-Its on her own this year since we have this time to transition. Our troop will be concentrating on all the new ones!
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