Thursday, September 16, 2010

Two frustrations and then some good stuff

1. RSVPs. Specifically, I am frustrated by parents who do not RSVP and/or pay a fee if there is one, and then still expect their children can show up to an event. This summer I made a new rule for myself, that I am not going to chase parents down to find out who is going to what event. I do not have time. The flip side is when parents do RSVP, but then they don't show. I already know that two of the girls who RSVPed yes to an upcoming event are not really coming.

2. Time. When I handed a parent a newsletter yesterday he said something like, "I really wouldn't have time to do this.," and he said it in a condescending way. I give an enormous amount of my time to Girl Scouting. It is my choice and my pleasure to do it. That doesn't mean I don't have other things I could be doing. If someone feels they couldn't make the time to run a troop, instead of demeaning the person who does, they should say THANK YOU.

We had a meeting this week and it was great! I was so happy one of my most active little girls said, "Jenny, Jenny, can we do skits?," and I was able to say YES. We started working on the Caring and Sharing Try-It, because I thought this would be a good way to start the year and have everyone get to know each other a little better. We did skits on different ways to show you care, showed how the girls in our troop are alike and different, and I gave them each a card, already addressed and stamped, to decorate and mail to a troop member this week.

The best part of the meeting for me was when I said, "We have to do this quickly, it's almost time to go.," and they all seemed shocked and said, "What? It's been an hour? I don't want it to be over!"

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