Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Cadette Meeting

My goddaughter wants to be part of a really active Girl Scout troop, and get a chance to earn her Silver Award. The troop she was part of last year moved on to Seniors this year, so she needed a new troop. Kristina was the first baby in my life, and has been a big part of my life since the day she was born. Even though she lives about 75 miles from me, I really want to help her reach her goals.

We had our first Cadette meeting this week. Other leaders have told us we might have trouble recruiting middleschoolers and I'm disappointed to say they were right. So far we only have two girls, but we still had a super fun meeting last night! We played games, talked about what it means to be a Girl Scout, etc. I left feeling very uplifted about Cadettes, even though we need at least one more member to have a troop.

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