Tuesday, August 14, 2007

We had a great time camping! We went to Hopeville Pond for 3 nights and the DAR State Forest for 3 nights. We had a party at our site at Hopeville with 17 of the people we love most. It was a good thing my mom brought some emergency hot dogs because we almost every bite we cooked was eaten! We got to swim and go out on the boat while we were there too. Things at DAR were more laid back - and a heckuva lot colder. Due to the elevation, it's several degrees colder there than it is here. The first night we had to have Esme come sleep with us and bring her blankets. Despite the colder temperatures Esme and I still went swimming two of the days we were there. We made the major error of putting the edges of our air mattress up against the side of the tent though, and on our last night there we got a bit wet. I don't mind a little moisture, but I do not like my pillows wet!! We had a great time but due to the rain we were very glad to get to our dry home. We're hoping we can head out into the wilderness a couple more times before Columbus Day!


Julie said...

so glad you had a great time, and wow that photo is beautiful! Great cards below too!

Rachael said...

Great pic!!

Sounds fun!! We just got back from camping too!

Nicole Carro said...

Beautiful photo - sounds like an awesome family vacation.