Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Today is my anniversary! 7 beautiful years married to my wonderful husband, Ethan-Boo! What I remember most about our wedding is the way he held my hands while promising to love, honor, and cherish, and his sweet, loving smile. It's funny how early in a marriage you think you could never love your spouse more, but then with each day that passes, you do. In 1999 I was overwhelmed with a passionate kind of love. Passion is still good and I still find him interesting and exciting, but I've also come to deeply love and appreciate his constancy and kindness.

Speaking of sweet Ethan-Boo, he has a brand spanking new blog! He's quite the witty guy - check him out at: www.the-unreliable.blog.com

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Happy Anniversary! Many Years to the both of you.