Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's June 1st!!!! Hoory!!!! 25 short days until I am freeeeeee!!!!! Most of the time I really like my job, but at this time of year the kids are tired of school and even the teachers are more irritable. I taught this week in a school that seemed like a greenhouse. June 26th is the magic day - the last day of school for the year. Then I'll have two beautiful months off!! It's not like I work a lot to begin with...I average about 5 days a month. But just knowing I'm not going to get that call in the morning makes me sleep better at night. I can't wait to have the time to just devote to Esme. We'll do all kinds of great summer activities and have a wonderful time together. Sigh. 25 long days.


Stephanie said...

I just got an email from my niece who says she's done with school after Tuesday. I guess that's the difference in not having that February vacation in Ohio.

Lisa said...

The new school they just opened does not have AC and the kids on the 2nd floor just broil in the heat! Our town is voting to spend extra $$ to put in AC. Why didn't they just put it in in the first place? doh!