Tuesday, June 27, 2006

This layout scanned a little dark because of the thick title. I love going to Six Flags with these kids!  Posted by Picasa
Today is my anniversary! 7 beautiful years married to my wonderful husband, Ethan-Boo! What I remember most about our wedding is the way he held my hands while promising to love, honor, and cherish, and his sweet, loving smile. It's funny how early in a marriage you think you could never love your spouse more, but then with each day that passes, you do. In 1999 I was overwhelmed with a passionate kind of love. Passion is still good and I still find him interesting and exciting, but I've also come to deeply love and appreciate his constancy and kindness.

Speaking of sweet Ethan-Boo, he has a brand spanking new blog! He's quite the witty guy - check him out at: www.the-unreliable.blog.com

Monday, June 26, 2006

OMG my best friend, Lisa, is finally online!!! It's a miracle. Never in the history of technology has someone been so resistent. I'm posting this picture of us together in honor of her new email address. I can wait to send her all kinds of fun links!  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Another layout of my little girl outside the Atheneum... Posted by Picasa

I loved these photos of Esme sooo much, I had to do a Friendly's tribute page. I found their logo on the internet, printed it out, and then layered UTEE on top of it. It's a fairly simple layout, but I'm happy with it. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 24, 2006

I cannot wait for Tuesday. As of Monday at one I am free woman for the summer. Tuesday I am planning to dye two purple streaks in my hair.

I've always wanted to dye my hair purple. I decided this summer HAS to be the time if I'm going to do it. If not now, when? I used to think I'd just put a layer of purple over the brown, kind of so I had highlights. Then a couple months ago I saw someone who'd done that and it looked just awful, so I decided I needed a different purple-hair alternative. I decided I need to bleach my hair so the purple will really show, but the idea of bleaching my own head is downright SCARY to me, and after all, I am the mother of a 3 yo so I don't want to be totally ridiculous about it. So I have settled on two thin streaks, near the front, one on each side. Once bleached I will dye them BRIGHT purple, and then dye them back to brown before school starts in the Fall.

Lisa has agreed to do the process for me. I think half of her is hoping I'll change my mind and the other is just afraid I'll like it and want to keep it that way. Fortunately I do have a job I have to go back to, so I don't see purple hair in my long-term future.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I've been having so much fun scrapping with friends lately. I went to Lisa's house Monday night and we stayed up til 2 in the morning scrapping! Last night Stephanie O. and I went over to Ellen's and scrapped the night away. I never get as much done as I do when I'm home alone, but I love sharing this hobby with friends! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 18, 2006

It's Father's Day! I am so lucky to be married to the greatest Dad I could imagine. I'm so glad that Esme has such a wonderful father. He is the most kind and loving and generous person I know! I appreciate him so much.

For his gift this year I made him these coupons - I appreciate all he does with Esme and around the house, so these coupons are designed to give him a break - they're for things like unloading the dishwasher, tucking Esme in, etc. I used my new Junkitz foam stamp that I got from Scraptalk, and the font that SeptemberMyles made for me. Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 16, 2006

Ethan asked me last night if I thought women were more likely to read books written by women. Someone at work told him people are more likely to read books written by their own sex, and he had argued against the point saying he didn't believe it at all, only to realize all his favorite authors are men. I thought for a moment...hmmm....Jane Austen, Amy Tan, the Bronte sisters, J.K. Rowling.... Not that I have anything against men, but it seems that women are more likely spin the kinds of stories I like to read.

I finished reading The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd this morning. My mother loaned it to me - she tends to like a little more "feel good" stories than I do, so I wasn't so sure about it. I did find it melodramatic, but otherwise I liked it. It's the story of a white teenager with a tragic past who runs away and stays with a black beekeeper in the South during the Civil Rights movement. It's partly about relationships between people of different races, but it's a lot more about mothers - well, not so much motherhood, but being the daughter of a mother.

I have a lot of choices on my plate next. Stephanie loaned me a romance novel since she said the only one I've ever read (and hated) by Danielle Steele and was crap. I still have Teach by Frank McCourt and The Opposite of Fate by Amy Tan leftover from Christmas. I decided I should really finish The Sound and the Fury because I'm most of the way through it, and if I take the short time to finish it at least I can say I read it. What I'm most interested to read next is The Jungle. Ethan was making fun of me ("ya want a little light reading? pick up the Jungle!") but I think he secretly jealous because he HAS to read new releases for work, and I can read anything I want. I am most interested in the classics, because hey, if they were critical AND popular successes, they're probably pretty good, right?

This is getting to be an epic post but just for Ethan's amusement I have to write about how I chose to read The Sound and the Fury. I don't know anything about William Faulkner. I don't even know if I spelled his name right. But I'd heard his name and knew he was highly acclaimed, used in schools across the country,etc. So as I was perusing Ethan's bookcase one day (better than a trip to the library BTW) I saw his name and decided if I want to be well-rounded, I really should acquaint myself with his work. Of all Faulkner's books Ethan has, I thought The Sound and the Fury was the most enchanting title and decided to read it. If you've ever so much glanced through The Sound and the Fury, you know it and "enchanting" should not even be in the same sentence. It's nearly impossible to read, and I hate it. But I AM going to finish it! Ethan has been laughing at me for weeks now for choosing it. But hey it was on HIS bookshelf! I think if he's going to keep books I won't enjoy on his shelves, he should at least keep them a shelf above my eye level!

Monday, June 12, 2006

This was a fast and easy one I did a few weeks ago.... Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 09, 2006

Whoo hoo I am sooo psyched! I just got an email requested a layout for the upcoming Memory Makers Scrapbook Idea Gallery 7! This is my third pub but my 1st in a major scrapping mag, so I am thrilled! Plus I just found out that I won't be getting a goodie box, I'll be getting cash!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I re-read Charlotte's Web yesterday. I started during my prep at school because I had to read a chapter to the class and I hate going into the middle of the story. My lunch was interrupted and I didn't get to make it the whole way through, but fortunately I have a copy at home. My aunt gave it to me when I was around 8 or 9. I finished it before I went to sleep last night.

It is so wonderful to go back and read childhood favorite's of mine as an adult. As a child I never appreciated that the whole town really considered seeing the words "Some Pig" appear in the web a religious experience. I didn't comprehend the significance of people driving from great distances to witness it, and experts coming out to debunk it. As a child I was disgusted that Fern's mother didn't want her to spend so much time in the barn. Most importantly, I never even thought about how Charlotte's words MAKE Wilbur a better pig. I completely missed his transformation from runt of the litter to really Terrific and Radiant.

I'm posting this layout in honor of my high school friend Heidi... In art class I seemed to have a problem keeping my hands clean, or getting all the paint off of them properly, and that problem seems to have carried over into adulthood! Last week I was dying some lace and right when it was time to take the lace out, my tweezers snapped in half, so I had to stick my fingers in to get it out. After scrubbing for a week I still have slight traces of it on my hands!!  Posted by Picasa

I love this photo of Ethan and Esme. It makes my heart happy. Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 02, 2006

Ahhh...the joys of yard saling. I spent half the day yesterday dividing up yards of lace, rick rack, etc. to distribute to friends and I still have an obscene amount left over from 2 tags sales, that will take me literally years to use. Today there was a yard sale not far from Ethan's office, so Esme and I stopped by. I am so glad we did! I got 2 full sized park benches, 2 chair sized park benchces (super cute!), and a wheelbarrow for $25. For anyone who doesn't know, that is an amazing deal. The cheapest (and I do mean cheap) park benches I've seen start around $40, so to get that many for so little is really great! I am so excited to have them! I started work on my garden late this year due to Esme's allergies, but since we've been going outside more I've been enjoying it thoroughly. I love having nice seating throughout the yard so I can enjoy all my work.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I just finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird. It's amazing that I made it to 31 years old, 4 years of high school, and a Bachelors degree without every having to read it. People have been recommending it to me for a long time, and Ethan had a paperback copy, so I finally picked it up. What an incredible book!! I wish I had a dad just like Atticus Finch. (Ethan says everybody who ever read the book wishes the same thing.) I loved the subtlety of the story...how things escalate but that isn't always the focus. I'd always heard it was about racism, but I love how it's really just about being a good person.

Ethan just moved the movie to the top of our Netflix queue. I can't wait for it to arrive.
It's June 1st!!!! Hoory!!!! 25 short days until I am freeeeeee!!!!! Most of the time I really like my job, but at this time of year the kids are tired of school and even the teachers are more irritable. I taught this week in a school that seemed like a greenhouse. June 26th is the magic day - the last day of school for the year. Then I'll have two beautiful months off!! It's not like I work a lot to begin with...I average about 5 days a month. But just knowing I'm not going to get that call in the morning makes me sleep better at night. I can't wait to have the time to just devote to Esme. We'll do all kinds of great summer activities and have a wonderful time together. Sigh. 25 long days.

Esme looks so grown up to me in this photo... Posted by Picasa

Our azaleas are blooming. Posted by Picasa

Dylan slept over last weekend and had a great time with all our wheeled toys in the yard! Posted by Picasa

I love this photo SO much!  Posted by Picasa

This was such a fun day for me. Esme had a wonderful time running around the courtyard outside the Atheneum after we'd been inside for a while.  Posted by Picasa