Friday, October 21, 2011

Some Recent Esme-isms

"I want to do more poetry.  Can we get some clay?"

"Heidi Klum was a model for Victoria's Secret.  They sell literature."

"That is a cool contest!  I am going to compute!"

UPDATE: "I know what you should do.  Some recent Daddy-ums."

Thursday, October 20, 2011

This fundraiser is taking over my life!

There are 17 people registered to our Girl Scout troop, and after deposits, it will cost $5,355 to take them all the Washington, D. C. for the 100th Anniversary Sing a Long on the mall.  So, right now, my life is this fundraiser, where we're hoping to make half of that or more.

So much work!  Hoping it will be a huge success.  But, I would soooo rather have one big event than many little ones, sort of like death-by-1,000-cuts.  As of right now there are a lot of moving parts, with stores, vendors, workshops, activities, refreshments, etc.  My partner for this event is a true dynamo though, so I know we can get through together!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Free-Theme Dotee

I made this dotee for a free-theme swap - you can't see it too much in this pic, but there are folded fabric layers going around the edges.  I was inspired by a game wheel.  Crafty-wise, this week is going to have to be all the Halloween costumes.  I'm working on a peacock for my daughter and a bridal gown for a little friend.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Some of my Best Friends are Reptiles

You might have heard, about a month ago, I started a new job that I love.  I am a Museum Educator, and for the last few weeks I have been learning all the school and family programs, etc.  I have already learned so much at this job, and had so great days there.

However, I have been dreading today since I first saw the schedule.  It didn't occur to me while I was interviewing that they might expect me to actually hold live animals.  I am not exactly afraid of snakes, but I am not exactly comfortable with them either.  Lucky for me, my boss said she is not going to force anyone to hold animals they are not comfortable with, and gave us all an out.  I wanted to at least try though.  Here is the video of me holding them for the first time today!