Sunday, March 21, 2010

PSA: Cool metallic paper you find on the side of the road is not necessarily an art supply.

I have been neglecting my blog due to being driven to distraction by my health. I have had my share of arts and crafts related injuries. I've had burns shaped like the end of my heat gun, tiny infections due to poking myself with my paper piercer, and even surgery under live x-ray to get a needle out of my toe. The past week has definitely ranked up there as one of my worst. It wasn't an accident, but an allergic reaction. I'm a Girl Scout leader and my little Daisies have been dying to be in our city's annual Saint Patrick's Day parade. To contribute to the building of the float, I said I would cut out the letters for the sides with my Slice. A fellow leader had found a large roll of shiny, adhesive-backed paper on the tree band in her neighborhood, so we decided we would use that.

That metallic paper gave me the worst allergic reaction of my life!! I have been COVERED with hives from the day I started cutting it. I cut half the letters (Girl Scouts leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories) and woke up with hives the next morning. I even had hives on the soles of my feet and the palms of my hands! Unfortunately I didn't make the connection right away and cut out the rest of the letters a couple days later, resulting in swollen lips and a numb tongue. I've found it impossible to be creative in this state - I am either dancing due to itchy skin or dopey because of Benadryl. I am on day four of steroids and I am hoping that maybe at last the hives are starting to improve. This week I am hoping to post some more crafty projects and plan to feature a couple local artists very soon! Thanks for sticking with me!


Jingle said...

Oh, DEAR! I wonder what in the world the paper was that made that happen to you?

Tracy said...

Thats is what I call dedicated to your craft. Hope you feel better soon

Marlene said...

Wowzers....that's nuts. Do you think it was the paper, or maybe something the paper was in contact with outside? (Some obnoxious weed or sumthin'?) Yikes. Hope your hives go away soon. They cannot be pleasant!

Rayanne said...

So sorry to hear you have and are going through this. My husband has the worst kind of hives...he could die if he doesn't get help asap. My daughter gets hives and now a couple of my grandchildren do. I can relate.
Get well soon...we want you here with your pretty artwork!

Rach H said...

Oh my! That is wild. Thanks for the PSA. I hope you feel better soon!

Sarah said...

that's awful!! What was in the metal that might have caused that?! Hope you feel better soon!