Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween! I took Esme Trick or Treating for the first time tonight! She was sooo excited and had such a good time! It was super fun and she got a TON of candy! Posted by Picasa

Walking down the street with her bulging bag - aren't the wings on her costume cute? Posted by Picasa

Our little pumpkin with a pumpkin! Posted by Picasa

Enjoying the spoils! Posted by Picasa
This may have been my favorited Halloween EVER!! Earlier today we made pumpkin muffins to bring to the neighbors we know and to friends whose houses we were going to stop by. We had so much fun going out tonight! Around 5 Esme and I went over to Gollie's new house to Trick or Treat. He and Sue were excited to see us and gave Esme some candy. Then we went to another person from our church's house, and came back to our street. This was Esme's time really Trick or Treating. We went to the end of our road and down a couple side ones - Esme was a huge hit in her Halloween costume and people were giving her handfuls of candy! She was so happy to see lights on and kept saying, "Let's get more candy!" It seemed like a dream come true for her. She was very good about saying, "Twick aw Tweat," and, "Tank you," at everyone's doors. She was so sooo sweet and I loved spending this time with her!

Going home to take over passing out candy on the other hand, wasn't such a good experience. As we were walking up to our own door, a teenager tried to steal one of our gourds right in front of us. I yelled, "Hey!," and started screaming at him to put it back until he threw it into one of our bushes. Punk! We had adults trick or treating at our house. I don't mean young adults either - people gray hair who didn't even have kids with them. I think that is really lame. Then right toward the end of the night I was running low on candy and got a group of about 13 people. I said I was going to give it to the kids only and an adult held out her bag. I said, "I really want to save it for the kids.," and she said, "Well this is for the baby!," and pointed to a child less than one. I said, "Oh does the baby eat Milky Ways?!?," and she said, "Yes she does!" So I finally gave her one, but she was pissed and talked about me all the way down the street. I was irritated because the other kids had to miss out so the mom could either keep the candy for herself or give it to someone who doesn't even have teeth. Sigh.

Six Flags Fun

On Sunday we took our final trip of the season to Six Flags! This time we were lucky enough to take Dylan, Charles, and Kim with us!

Dylan did NOT care for the Apple - Esme's favorite ride! Posted by Picasa

Enjoying the Up Down with her Daddy. Posted by Picasa

Awww aren't they cute? Posted by Picasa

Holding their Daddys' hands. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 30, 2005

I love Karen Burinston's work and I was so excited to see she started a blog! I added her to my links list!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Esme's new do (looks a lot like the old "do," doesn't it?) Posted by Picasa

Esme in the mirror. Posted by Picasa

Esme had her first haircut today! First she watched Daddy get his haircut, and then she was excited to sit in the chair herself. She looked pretty stoic through the whole thing, but then very pleased at the end. No more baby hair for her!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I was just sitting here reading my email when I heard Esme start crying. She'd really started wailing, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!," by the time I got to the top of the basement steps. I went upstairs to her room and opened the door and asked her what was the matter. She smiled sweetly at me and said brightly, "Mommy, tell me a story!"

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Esme and I made out own applesauce today and it was soooo good! I'd never made applesauce before - my grandmother Adams' was soooo good I knew I couldn't live up to those standards. Recently though I saw a post on the peaboard about how to make it in your crockpot, so I decided we should give it a try. We used the apples we picked with my mom a while ago. It was incredibly easy and came out so well. I was so glad we tried it - there's nothing like warm applesauce on a cool Fall night!
I'm a little worried about adjusting to Ethan's new work schedule. I'm so excited for him, and can't wait to hear about all his interesting new work stuff, but he's going to be working a ton of hours. That means less hours with him and more hours alone with Esme. As much as I love her, that can be very stressful at times.

So, I'm starting to plan ahead. I found a couple local parent drops in centers that we can go to, just to get out the house, play with other kids, talk to other parents, and one even has a music class once a week. I think it's important for Esme to start doing things in groups so that's an added bonus. We have our membership to the Chilren's Museum which is great for rainy days now or the cold days that are coming up. Esme could spend hours and hours there. Kidsports in Hadley looks like it might be fun too, and it's a lot less expensive than I thought. We might be able to go there once a month or so just for a change of scenery. Friday and Saturday are going to be our hardest days, so hopefully I can visit and be visited a lot by my friends and family in CT those days.

I would do whatever it took to make these jobs work for Ethan! I'm so happy to see the spring back in his step and to know he'll be working somewhere he'll be appreciated!
OMG I am being buried under Fall photos!! I cannot believe how many photos I have from this year so far - as Stephanie pointed out, I have enough to fill an entire scrapbook with just this year! So far we've
-been to the Big E
-been to a small, local fair
-been apple picking
-been to the pumpkin patch
-been to Mt. Sugarloaf to look at the leaves, and been in the newspaper on top of that!
-gone to Halloween activities at Look Park
-made Jack o Lantern Crafts
-gone to Fright Fest at Six Flags
-done Fall photo shoots with on a nice stroll, and of course with pumpkins
-gone to Pumpkin people
Plus we are still going to:
-go to a Halloween party
-do a photo shoot of Esme in her costume of course - this is a must!
-rake and jump in the leaves
-go Trick or Treating
-make pumpkin muffins for our neighbors
-Thanksgiving dinner preparations (whether making the meal or just pies)
-eating Thanksgiving dinner
-and of course I have to make a page about why we're thankful for Esme

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Our little Pumpkin! Posted by Picasa

Look Park had some great activities for kids this year! Esme got to have her face painted, go in a hay maze, go on a hay ride pulled by horses, and pet the horses afterward. We love seeing things through her eyes - she is such a joy to us! Posted by Picasa

Three is our favorite number! Posted by Picasa

Esme and Ethan crunched through the leaves. Posted by Picasa

Esme loves animals and loved being up close to the horses. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I've been tagged by Stephanie!!

Five Things I Plan to Do Before I Die
1) Go to Seattle - I haven't been since my first birthday.
2) Finish a scrapbook about myself.
3) Get a car with less than 50,000 miles on it.
4) Learn to make a souffle.
5) Win HOF.

Five Things I Can Do
1) Scrapbook.
2) Plan enough activities to entertain a 2 yo any day.
3) Remember almost my entire life.
4) Organize numbers into patterns.
5) Make pumpkin muffins.

Five Things I Can't Do
1) Get anywhere new without getting lost.
2) Do any complex computing in my head.
3) Beat my brother at arm wrestling.
4) Win a video game against Ethan.
5) See scary movies.

Five Things That Attract Me to the Opposite Sex
1) Sense of Humor.
2) Kindness.
3) Intelligence.
4) Cool Hair.
5) Being a good Kisser.

Five Things You Say Most Often
1) I love you!
2) Stop right there!
3) Don't hug the kitties!
4) Do it again and you'll be in bed!
5) That sucks. (trying to stop this one.)

Five Celebrity Crushes
1) Alan Rickman
2) Colin Firth
3) Anthony Hopkins
4) Sean Connery
5) Orlando Bloom

I tagged Glo-Girl!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Fall is a great time for fun outdoor activities. Esme has been making the most of this Autumn! Posted by Picasa

We finally had to say, "Say goodbye to the babies Esme!," to get her to leave. We had such a nice time and I'm so glad Stephanie introduced us to the Pumpkin People! Posted by Picasa

Of course she was interested in the display that featured Elmo! Posted by Picasa

Esme was especially intrigued by the "Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe" display and spent a lot of time with "the babies."  Posted by Picasa

Today Stephanie and I took Esme to Turners Falls to see the Pumpkin People. Posted by Picasa

She stopped at about 15 different pumpkins and said, "Let's get this one, Mommy!" Posted by Picasa

Esme had a really good time running around and seeing all the different kinds of pumpkins.  Posted by Picasa

On Wednesday we made our annual trip to Brown's Harvest in Windsor. Every year I take Esme there to choose our pumpkin for Pumpkin Fest. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 16, 2005

We had such a nice weekend! We woke up fairly early Saturday and went to see Sesame Street Live. Esme and I had been earlier in the year but this time Ethan got to go. We came home and took a family nap afterward, which was very relaxing. Today we went to Six Flags. We all painted pumpkins and we took turns going on rides with Esme. It was just a fun day all together - my favorite kind of day!

We had a nice day at Six Flags all together! Posted by Picasa